Vertex to UVW Modifier for Max 4.0
Vertex to UVW Modifier for Max 6.0

Source Code
Sample File

This pluggin is what I define as charityware and can be freely distributed. If you find it useful make what you feel as an appropriate donation to your favorite charity. You cannot charge or make any money from this routine by reselling or bundling them with another package/cd/web page without my permission.

To install this routine just copy the files into your 3ds Max plugin directory.

This modifier is a very simple mapping modifier. All it does is copy the position of each vertex into the the corresponding texture vertex in the selected channel. You are probably wondering why you would want to do this and the reason is simple it allows you to lock down 3d textures to object even when the objects shape is changing. When you use a 3d Texture such as Noise or Cellular you have 2 options for applying it to the object either using the XYZ option which uses the objects vertices or UVW1/2 which uses the objects UVW mapping coordinates. Both of these have draw backs. If you use XYZ you get a nice smooth map with no breaks, but if you apply an animated bend you will notice now that your object seems to swim through the texture. If you use the UVW the texture is locked to the object but now you are limited to some sort of UVW mapping which can cause stretching and distortion or a non tileable surface. Vertex to UVW Map Modifier fixes both these problems. All you need to do is apply the Vertex to UVW Map Modifier at the bottom of the stack before any animated modifier, and then have the 3d Texture use the UVW1/2 channel and you will get the exact same output as the XYZ but it will be locked to the vertices.

To see an example load the TV06.MAX file and examine the 3 cylinders. Notice the middle cylinder just uses normal UVW mapping with a cellular material with the UVW1/2 cannel which looks fine on the side but on the top it is bad. This is because you are using one projection for the top and side uses a different projection so you get different looking textures. The cylinder on the right used XYZ in the cellular material it looks fine until you render an animation that causes it to change shape and then it looks like the cylinder is swimming through the texture. Notice how the the texture on the top of the cylinder has changed as it is bent. The cylinder on the left use the Vertex To UVW Map with cellular material using the UVW channel. Notice how consitent the texture is and notice that it stays locked to the cylinder as it bends.

Note the only draw backs are that you loose a UVW channel and if you want to see the sample sphere in the material editor render correctly you need to temporarily set it to XYZ and then set it back to UVW when you do a real render.

This modifier works great in conjunction with displace and is very useful for using noise or cellular as texture across an animated skin of a creature.

Note this utility has not been fully tested in a production enviroment so use at your own risk. If you encounter any problems please contact me at

Peter Watje